An interesting article on the BBC Sport website features an interview with Manchester United’s Darren Fletcher about living with Ulcerative Colitis Illness:
The interview highlights some of the difficulties so often faced by people living with a “hidden” disability.
At Level Playing Field we regularly hear about people being challenged about their disability. People who use an Accessible Toilet if they’re not wheelchair users or someone who just requests an aisle seat for easy access often faces the indignity of being questioned or even abused. What is clear is that there is still a widespread lack of understanding and disability awareness.
What surprises many people is that for the purpose of the Equality Act 2010 disability goes far beyond wheelchair users. It legally protects people who are Blind and partially sighted, Deaf and hard of hearing, people who have limited mobility or dexterity and also people with mental health conditions, anxiety, an intellectual or learning disability and fluctuating, progressive or critical illness.