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Regional forum successes continue with Etihad return

The Level Playing Field North Forum provided an essential opportunity for discussions on access and inclusion, between disabled fans and other stakeholders.

The event followed the recent successes of regional forums in Derby and London and marked a return to Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium – a Level Playing Field Centre of Excellence Award holding stadium – which previously welcomed guests to the charity’s 2017 forum in the region.

Knowledge sharing formed an essential part of the day, as disabled supporters and industry professionals from across different levels and sports were able to learn from each other’s experiences.

Areas of focus included fan engagement, new guidance on infrastructure, and evolving perspectives on disability language. Attendees were also invited for a tour of accessible facilities at the Etihad Stadium.

Level Playing Field chief executive, Owain Davies, said: “The appetite for collaboration and learning at our regional forums continues to impress me and it was great to hear from those championing access and inclusion across the North.

“Manchester City’s hosting is something we a very grateful for. They provided an excellent venue to hold such vital in-person discussions.

“These meetings are an important part of our collective efforts to dramatically improve access and inclusion for disabled fans, through practical solutions and relationships developed on the day.

“They also strengthen our connection with the disabled fans we serve and we look forward to completing this tour across the regions in Wales.”

Level Playing Field is hosting an online forum with the EFL’s director of diversity and inclusion, on May 22, with free registration now open to all.

Details on upcoming in-person forums across other regions will be shared on the Level Playing Field website.