Level Playing Field (LPF) is a registered charity in England and Wales, providing advice and support to disabled fans and key stakeholders across all sports. We work with our partners to share best practice, to raise awareness and to improve access and inclusion at sports stadia and we seek to appoint a full time Development Officer and a full time Media and Communications Officer.
Over the past 12 months LPF has been through a re-brand and we are looking for two new team members to join us and make a difference for disabled fans and support clubs and our partners with enhancing access and inclusion.
Development Officer:
Duties will include overseeing and delivering LPF’s range of accredited training packages, working with existing partners and identifying new opportunities to grow LPF’s work and impact with in the sector. There will also be a remit to support fans and clubs with their general enquiries and driving greater standards of access and inclusion for disabled fans. The Development Officer will report directly to the General Manager and will work closely with the wider team and support other projects where relevant.
Application Pack: (ref:- LPF – Development Officer 02/19)
- LPF – Development Officer 2019 – Advert
- LPF – Development Officer 2019 – Objectives and Person Spec
- LPF – Development Officer 2019 – Application Form
- LPF – Equality Monitoring Form

Media and Communications Officer:
Duties will include overseeing and delivering all media and communications functions across the charity. Specifically managing the website, social media platforms and creating interesting and engaging news stories that relate to the diverse stakeholders LPF works with and supports. The Media and Communications Officer will report directly to the CEO and will work closely with the wider team and support their projects with relevant communications outputs.
Application Pack: (ref:- LPF – Media and Comms 02/19)
- LPF – Media and Comms Officer 2019 – Advert
- LPF – Media and Comms Officer 2019 – Objectives and Person Spec
- LPF – Media and Comms Officer 2019 – Application Form
- LPF – Equality Monitoring Form
Owain Davies, LPF Chair said: “Over the past 12 months we have seen real progress as a charity in raising the agenda of access and inclusion for disabled fans. We still have more work to do and we are looking for two outstanding candidates to join the team to keep up the positive work we have experienced in recent times. The charity continues to represent disabled fans and to work with clubs to enhance all aspects of access and inclusion.”
If you are interested in joining our team as either a Development Officer or a Media and Communications Officer please send a copy of your CV along with your completed application form for the relevant post and a brief supporting letter emailed to ruth@levelplayingfield.org.uk (Using the reference: ‘LPF – Development Officer 02/19’ or ‘LPF – Media and Comms 02/19’ in the subject title).
For more information please email: info@levelplayingfield.org.uk or call: 01923 545370 You can also find more information by clicking here.