It is estimated that 1 in 10 people in the UK have Dyslexia.
Dyslexia impacts on an individual’s certain abilities used for learning such as reading and writing. It is a lifelong disability with individuals adopting strategies and processes to overcome certain challenges caused by Dyslexia.
It is important that sports organisations consider the additional support that a Dyslexic person may need as a fan purchasing a ticket or as an employee carrying out their daily activities. These reasonable adjustments are important to allow an individual to fully access the provision in place.
Level Playing Field’s Chief Executive, Owain Davies said: ‘Having been diagnosed with Dyslexia from an early age helped me in fine tuning my strategies to carry out my day to day activities”.
He went on to say “In my earlier years I remember failing at school and the sense of being left behind being very overwhelming. At the age of 13 I went to a specialist school to support with my Dyslexia which allowed me to recognise and develop ways to address challenges I had, caused by Dyslexia. I still stumble now and again but it’s something that I look to push myself with.”